sperm for lesbians

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Now we're a family!
MNI (Man Not Included) is delighted to announce the birth of its first baby today.
It is perhaps symbolic - for a service that refuses to discriminate against any women on grounds of sexuality or marital status - that the healthy 10 pounds 2 ounces baby boy was in fact successfully delivered to a married heterosexual couple from the south east of England. Mother and son are both healthy and doing well. The first such internet sperm baby born to a lesbian couple is due in a matter of weeks.
MNI launched a year ago in July 2002 and now has over 5,500 anonymous male donors and over 3,000 female recipients registered. It is about to commence operations in Spain, Germany and Holland, with further births due throughout the summer.

ManNotIncluded.com founder John Gonzalez said:

“We are delighted at the fantastic news that the first baby has been born as a direct result of using our ground-breaking service. MNI is about giving all women the chance to have children without fear of prejudice or discrimination. Here’s to the birth of countless more MNI babies over the coming weeks and months.”

MORE NEWS: MNI has become the UK’s first fertility organization to accept gay donors.

ORIGIN: www.mannotincluded.com/news.htm

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