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I met somebody today for the first time. She can’t walk. In fact, she couldn’t even hold her head up.

The doctors have her on a liquid diet. They said it might be five or six months before she could eat any solid food.

Her vision was kind of blurry. She can only make out shapes and shadows. In any event, she didn’t recognize me.

I tried speaking to her but she paid little attention. She could hardly speak. She made a few sounds, but that was it. Perhaps it’s because she has no teeth.

I guess the hardest part, at least for me, was that she had to be diapered. She cannot control herself. She didn’t seem to mind. It was just one more sign of her age.

While she could not do anything for herself, everyone who stood around was hopeful and excited.
She was oblivious of their prayers and good wishes.

Some people have everything and can do everything but they take it all for granted. What a happiness it is to have even the basic privileges of life. Everything else, even a little, is a bonus.

I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. The doctor said she weighed in at 7 pounds 6 ounces. We named her after her grandmother. She looks like her mother.

This most precious gift has been given the most precious gift - life. This healthy, normal baby is God’s latest masterpiece.

The world is open before her. I hope she will never lose sight of what is truly important.

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